Further forums will be held at least half termly and we will vary the times.
Areas discussed were:
- Communication between teachers and parents on a more frequent basis, Parent's Evenings / Information sharing with parents regarding pupil progress and targets
- Possibility of a school blog
- Workshops for parents in literacy and numeracy
- Leadership within school
- Pupil / Staff morale
- Parents helping in school in particular areas of interest / expertise, for example, the arts, creativity, media
- If you would also like to help in some way and feel you have a talent or interest to share with pupils and staff, Mrs Waterhouse, mum of Stanley, a reception class pupil, has volunteered to help us organise a 'register' of volunteers and how they can help. We will be writing to you with more information about this shortly.
If you want to join in, then please respond here and/or come and see us...